Create Flutter Project in Android Studio | Flutter Installation

In future, I hope to share some amazing flutter projects with you 😲(Can't wait to share them). So in order to develop them, you should install flutter plugin into your Android Studio first. 
Though this is the post to create a new flutter project in android studio.

Steps to create a new Flutter project:

  1. Open Android Studio
  2. Click on "Configure" & then click on "Plugins"

  3. Search "Flutter" in the marketplace

  4. Click on "Install"
  5. Restart IDE

  6. Create a new flutter project
    1. Name your project
    2. Install SDK or Give the path to installed SDK or Download my SDK
    3. Choose the project location
    4. Give package name
  7. Done

Usually, we are worked on main.dart file and we can create as much as many dart files in one project. The dart is the language we use to develop flutter applications. Flutter application is a native application where we can develop natively complied applications for mobile (for both Android and IOS), web and desktop from a single codebase. So, it's easy to develop mobile applications.

Watch this video till the end to learn another way to create a new flutter project.

"Change Can Happen Now"

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